I. Awarded 3rd Prize in the young investigators’ research competition in Basic Sciences and Translational Research category at the 11th Global Healthcare summit organized by the American Association of Physicians of Indian Origin, USA, held at Medical college and JW Mariott, Kolkata during 28th-31st December, 2017.
II. Awarded Research Associate Position to lead DST- Nano mission funded project “Targeting onco-miRNAs with a novel oleic acid pluoronic stabilized porous TiO2 nanoparticle for specific synergistic delivery of small molecule combination to combat triple negative breast cancer” under the guidance of Prof. Parimal C. Sen, NASI-Platinum Jubilee Senior Scientist, Division of Molecular Medicine, Bose Institute, Kolkata, West-Bengal, India.
III. Awarded Research Associate Position to lead a biomedical project at Defence Research Laboratory-Defence Research and Development Organization (Ministry of Defence, Government of India), Tezpur, Assam, India.
IV. Awarded with Senior Research Fellowship for 3 years by ICMR expert committee to carry research work on a project entitled “Bioengineering of conjugated linolenic acid rich oil in nano-formulations: a foodomics’ approach to mitigate disease manifestations;
V. AwardedInternational Travel Fellowship from the University of Calcutta to present a paper at the6th International Symposium on Delivery of Functionality in Complex Food Systems Physically –Inspired Approaches from the Nanoscale to the Microscale from July 14 to 17, 2015 held in Maison de la Chimie – Paris, France.
VI. Qualified Research Eligibility Test (RET) 2011 conducted by Department of Biochemistry, University of Calcutta.
VII. CrackedGraduate Aptitude Test in Engineering, Life Sciences (GATE-XL) 2011; Percentile: 92.48; AIR: 997
VIII. CrackedGraduate Aptitude Test in Engineering, Life Sciences (GATE-XL) 2010; Percentile: 93.54; AIR: 673
IX. CrackedJNU conducted Combined Biotechnology Entrance Examination, 2009 for DBT sponsored MSc program; AIR: 376
X. ClearedIndian Institute of Technology -Joint Admission Test for MSc-2009; AIR: 797 (Qualified in extended Merit List), Percentile: 85.63;
XI. Qualified written test conducted at all India level by National Centre for Biological Sciences (Tata Institute of Fundamental Research), Bangalore, during 2008-09 for their Integrated PhD program..